Birth of mams66
The channel "mams66" was created on August 25, 2007 in order to comment, rate, subscribe to soccer compilation videos, those popular Ronaldinho, Zidane, Ronaldo, etc. But It wasn't until November 29, 2007 when the very first upload "Misa Gets Raped" came to be. The video was shot before/after (not sure anymore) soccer practice when a prank was done on Misa. Everybody wanted the video sent to them so a YouTube upload was the easier thing to do.
Ching Ping
I have been confused several times of being of asian decent and carry the nicknames: "Chino, Mr Miyagi, Jackie Chan, and of course the famous Ching Ping." This name was came up with by funny guy Jose Bugarin. Bugarin came up with it as a nickname/way to poke fun, but it was quite catchy so when the videos began to appear they took the name.
Well thats the beginning to this story stay tuned and the next post will continue where we left off.